About Midwest Leak

Midwest Leak is an urban lifestyle marketing brand based in Indianapolis.

Our company is home to Midwest Leak Magazine which is a digital/print publication dedicated to sharing our community’s light. Midwest Leak Magazine celebrates our excellence by shining a light on all aspects of our culture creatively documenting our experiences through stories to inspire and empower our community across generations.

We are event engineers with key annual events being an awards show highlighting excellence in entrepreneurship and entertainment called the Midwest Leak Awards, Finesse the Runway which brings independent streetwear brands, artists, vendors and models together for an urban streetwear showcase and Music Monday which is an open mic and concert series.

Ultimately, we are passionate about connecting individuals with ways to market and grow their gifts, skills and talents turning them into entrepreneurship opportunities and encouraging self-sustainability to build our community. 

Contact info:

Midwest Leak Magazine

5860 Michigan Rd

Indianapolis,  IN 46228



Midwest Leak Magazine is a Black-owned media company.