Transforming Education: Inside HER Living Campus, Indianapolis’ Hub for Innovative Learning and Sustainability

Transforming Education: Inside HER Living Campus, Indianapolis’ Hub for Innovative Learning and Sustainability

Her Living Campus is a unique concept centered around holistic living and environmental stewardship. What inspired the vision for this space, and how does it empower women and the community?

Her Living Campus is about honoring our ancestors, educating our children, and restoring our families. We serve all parts of the community, but at its core, the campus celebrates Black culture. Everything we do uplifts and shares Black culture positively with the broader community.

The inspiration behind it comes from my belief in sustainability and the understanding that liberation begins with responsibility. Our community needed a tangible, safe space to unapologetically be ourselves—a space where the Black spirit is preserved and celebrated. Often, social justice work reveals how being “Black out loud” is misunderstood, unwelcomed, or dismissed due to ignorance or propaganda that paints us in a negative light.

There are few places where families can fully embrace their identity without being asked to compromise for someone else’s comfort—even in their own homes. That’s why we created this space: an 8.5-acre immersive learning environment where individuals, families, and organizations can be their truest selves.

Here, healing and connection are central. We’ve designed spaces for reflection, altars, and natural experiences. For instance, we introduced small animal therapy, like having preschoolers hatch and care for ducklings—a process that connects them to nature and fosters emotional grounding. Many adults have never experienced the full life cycle of animals or had the chance to truly be present in nature. We provide that opportunity.

While we focus on women in many of our programs, this isn’t to exclude Black men—we deeply love and value our brothers. It’s because we understand that when women are well, the entire community thrives. Our programs uplift sisters while supporting whole families, ensuring everyone benefits from the space we’ve created.

As a woman-led initiative, what challenges have you faced, and how have they shaped the mission and growth of Her Living Campus?

One of the challenges I’ve faced, both personally and in this role, is the societal narrative that often makes Black men feel inadequate or ineffective. In some cases, their efforts don’t yield results—sometimes due to external barriers, other times due to a lack of internal development. Systemically, frameworks surrounding Black male-female relationships often create the false belief that Black women are their competition.

Black women, on the other hand, are often forced into roles that require us to be more assertive and direct than others. While women from other communities may use tears or softness to navigate situations, Black women are denied that privilege. We’re not allowed to cry at work, express exhaustion, or ask for adequate maternity leave without judgment. This disparity highlights how little space we’re given to simply exist and be vulnerable, even during natural and challenging times in life.

Meanwhile, Black men are often told they lack leadership, and when they see a woman in a leadership role, it can trigger feelings of inadequacy. This sometimes leads to attempts to take over or assert dominance, even when they may not have the capacity to lead effectively. For instance, I’ve had to remind people—gently, but firmly—that managing an acre of garden space or eight acres of land requires more than desire; it requires experience. If you haven’t managed a houseplant, overseeing a large space isn’t realistic.

These dynamics aren’t limited to men. Women, too, are often conditioned to view strong, capable women in leadership as something undesirable, when in reality, that strength is essential. Especially in 2025, when many young women speak of wanting to live a “soft life,” I remind them that the strength of Black mothers, grandmothers, and aunties has always been the backbone of our survival and progress.

We owe so much to the prayers, resilience, and leadership of these women. Their strength has carried us, and it continues to inspire the way forward. As a community, we must unapologetically take up space, embrace one another through ignorance and growth, and focus on building a better future for the generations to come.

The concept of Her Living Campus stands out in a world of hustle and grind. How does the space encourage balance while also pushing cultural and entrepreneurial boundaries?

Yes, Her Living Campus is about self-sufficiency. It’s a space to ground yourself, step out of the storm, and center your energy. It’s a place for tinctures, learning natural remedies, gardening, self-improvement, and skill-building. It’s about being self-governing. When you remove the mindset that someone else will take care of things for you, what fuels your hustle and grind should be the confidence and competence to do for yourself—and you can gain those skills here.

Her Living Campus also cultivates social wealth. I often tell people that I’ve built a life where, even during times of having nothing, as long as I have my contacts and an internet connection, I’m back in business. That’s what we aim to instill: a well-oiled grind that doesn’t feel like gears grinding you down. Instead, your work earns respect, opens doors, and smooths pathways.

For example, when you, as a young woman, reach out on behalf of Midwest Leak, I immediately recognize the quality of that work, and I make time—even on a Sunday, wrapped in my snuggy. That’s the kind of ease and respect we deserve as a people. We need to move past the constant grind and claim a smoother path—not one free of challenges, but one where the quality of our work creates opportunities and space for us.

Your life’s work should open doors and make room for you. It should carry such authenticity and respect that the mere mention of your name or work prepares a place for you. That’s what we promote at Her Living Campus. We ensure that when people come here, they’re surrounded by good energy and good people. This is our “good sauce,” and we’re proud to share it with others like you.

 In an era where social consciousness is trending, what does Her Living Campus do to ensure its work isn’t just impactful but also authentically connected to the community?

We prioritize talking to young people because you are what’s happening. Her Living Campus has so much to offer, with an administrative team of elders who’ve been dedicated to their life’s work for 20+ years. When we engage with young people, it’s not to tell you what to do but to share the wisdom of our experience and create space for your growth.

The truth is, we need you as much as you need us. Have you ever heard the saying, “Old men for counsel, young men for war”? It reflects a natural interdependence. A lion’s pride survives because it has both young and old lions. Battle scars aren’t marks of shame—they’re testaments to wisdom and experience. That’s why it’s vital for us to share time and space with young people: to offer guidance that supports what you’re trying to achieve.

In today’s world—2025—where so many struggle with depression, anxiety, and social pressures, it’s easy to feel lost. Young people may see the older generation as callous or immune to these struggles, but our scars enable us to stand as a windbreaker for you. We hold space while you pull yourself together, while encouraging you to stay strong.

At Her Living Campus, we strive to stay relevant by constantly learning. We’re lifelong learners. I’m currently challenging myself to learn programming because I’m building an app—something far outside my comfort zone. If elders don’t stay flexible and willing to learn, they become stuck, like dinosaurs.

Our mission is to bridge the gap. We learn from you just as much as we hope you learn from us. The fast-moving, tech-driven world may feel foreign to us, but we push ourselves to make it fresh and relevant to our intellect.

This is the truth of who we are. I’m sharing it authentically, and I hope it’s of use to you. If it resonates, we offer it to you in abundance.

   As women, we often wear many hats—mother, leader, nurturer. How does Her Living Campus address the unique needs of women juggling multiple roles?

Sisterhood answers prayers. It means you don’t have to wear all the hats. You simply don’t have to. It’s not about rescuing each other—it’s about shared experiences, aligned values, and collective support.

I often tell my daughters, “Welcome to the ‘S’ in the woman’s house.” Sometimes sisterhood is warm and nurturing, like a Southern breeze. Other times, it’s stern, like a switch. But it always answers prayers.

For example, I remember coming home from Bise one year to discover my house had flooded from two burst pipes. It was a 60% rehab project—total chaos. One day, while laying flooring, I was so exhausted my body literally gave out. But one of the mamas, a priestess who specializes in bodywork and natural healing, showed up. She got down on the floor with me, worked on my body, gave me fresh juice, and lifted me back to myself. That’s sisterhood.

Sisterhood means someone’s always looking out for you. She’s mentioning your name in rooms you’re not in, carrying your energy with her brand, and representing you. If your sisterhood is intact, you’re always there, even if you’re not physically present.

I’ve seen this firsthand. One of my sisters needed a roof fixed—I have a contractor’s license, so I made it happen. Another time, I went through a divorce, and my household income was cut in half. I had five kids at home, and things were rough. But my sisterhood stepped in. My children never missed a single meal or extracurricular activity. Life transitioned so smoothly for them that they didn’t even know how hard it was.

Sisterhood answers prayers. When your sisterhood is intact, your load gets lighter. Each sister brings her strengths to the table. If that’s her jam, that part of your life is covered. You’re not alone. That’s the power of sisterhood.

What advice would you give to women looking to embrace holistic living and build stronger connections with themselves and their environment?

The first step is to become your authentic self. Spend a week without makeup. Strip away the appearances and do real self-work. Start with the parts of yourself you’d never want anyone to see—that’s the version of you that needs to build genuine connections. If you’re not okay with your vulnerabilities, how can others be?

Sometimes, people put on “conscious costumes”—the earrings, the shea butter, the whole look. But consciousness isn’t an outfit; it’s something that should radiate from within. Whether I’m in work boots or coveralls, my spirit and humanity speak for themselves. It’s not about what you eat, how clean you live, or the labels you wear. None of that matters if it’s just feeding your ego. Authenticity, on the other hand, is undeniable and unshakeable. You can’t compete with it, and it won’t entertain pretense.

As my father once told me, “You deserve everything you’re willing to tolerate.” That hit me hard, but it set me straight. You have to stand firm in your value. Those who reject your authenticity or can’t handle it are not your people. Let them go. Surround yourself with people who help you grow, challenge you, and hold you accountable.

For women, especially, it’s important to know that the type of men you allow around you sets the tone. I’ve been blessed to have quality men in my life who respect and value me—and my children saw that. If you accept less, others will think you’re less. Don’t let anyone treat you like a plaything. Your standards should always reflect your value.

Lastly, when people can’t rise to meet your standards, let them walk away. Show them the exit. Keep your circle filled with those who match your energy and respect your worth. That’s how you build a life of substance and authenticity.

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